Bingo players are a completely different breed. They range from old, young, wealthy, low income, men, woman, and everything else. The one they all have in common is they love to play bingo. There seems to be a misconception that Bingo consists of a bunch of blue haired little old ladies, but it doesn't. Bingo players are generally very loyal to the hall they play at. Bingo becomes their little coffee shop, and a place that they can gather with old friends, make new friends, and have bingo buddies.
Bingo is somewhere you can go by yourself and be comfortable. I have been in bingo so long, and I have seen so much working with the public. I have seen pregnant woman in labor that knew they had enough time to play before going into the hospital to deliver. I have seen players come straight from the hospital; one time, a lady came in to play with her hospital gown, robe, and house shoes. I have seen children grow up because their mom's have brought them to bingo their entire lives. I have seen people get in arguments over bingo because a player is "on a roll" and wins a lot. What's funny, is that it's all good when its them. I have seen players get mad and throw fits when someone has their seat, because after awhile of someone coming in and sitting in a particular chair that becomes their seat and everyone should know this, in their mind.
Bingo players are very superstitious. It is never their fault that they do not win, but instead it's the callers not calling the right numbers, the cashiers or floor workers not selling them the right cards. It is never the fact that they just are not very lucky. I believe you are born lucky. Some people are, but most are not... but if you play enough you will win. I just wanted to give an insight on all of the characters in future stories.
Just another day at bingo.
There are so many different personalities it's unreal! One thing in common though, they all lovvvvvve bingo!